Wednesday 24 March 2010

devonshire place names, part 3

Well, this will be my final ‘devonshire place names’ post as I am now finally back home.

I may or may not write about my first contracting experiences in another post, depending on whether or not I can write anything vaguely interesting to read – after all, work is primarily a very boring pastime.

So anyway, enough waffle, for my final post I offer you the following:

Newbuildings, although ironically the state of the sign did echo the state of the village – mostly old and tatty!


Beer. I must confess, I was originally taking a photograph of a place I’d misread as ‘Faraway’, but did score the village of Beer on the bonus diagonal angle (clue, it’s on the diagonal sign pointing away from us, and yes, I should have exercised a deal more awareness with my photography of this one – sorry!)


Black Dog. Sadly I didn’t manage to find a roadsign for the village of ‘Black Cat’ to accompany this one, but I genuinely did drive through a place called Black Cat on the same day as my visit to Black Dog, no word of a lie guv’!


And finally, the fabulously named Nomansland.


My two weeks of solitary car confinement did open my eyes to just how wonderful and varied the UK really is – not only does our country possess a startling variety of differing landscapes and geography, but our heritage is also full of delightfully colourful linguistics. It is really interesting to go and read a little about the way some of these seemingly bizarre place names actually evolved – the vast majority of them make huge sense once you start getting into it all.

Anyway, enough prattle. I must say that I never anticipated finding quite such a large number of truly odd village names, the highlights, for me, being ‘Leg O’ Mutton’, ‘Chipshop’, and ‘Nomansland’. Utterly fantastic – I'd love to have an address in one of these villages.


  1. This afternoon I have just been through:



    Stone Chair

    I'm looking out for unusual names myself now - can't help it!

  2. This afternoon I have just been through:



    Stone Chair

    I'm looking out for unusual names myself now - can't help it!
