Sunday 10 July 2011

slacker than slack

I’ve just realised how long it’s been since my last entry here. Guess I’ve had a bit of a bloggage blockage. Admittedly I’m still nursing my ankle injury from the Saunders last weekend, and as such I’ve done nothing outdoorsy of merit. That said, there are some big changes afoot for me.

This week I’m going to be over in Llanberis with Phill George doing my Mountain Leader training (about bloody time too), with the hope of being able to get to assessment as soon as possible, my main thought being to have another potential source of the odd bit of pocket money. Let’s face it, when it comes to the whole outdoorsy thing I have been doing quite a lot for quite a long time. I hope to have some time to think and work on some strategies this week too. This isn’t the biggest news however.

The biggest news surrounds a huge decision I’ve been pondering for a while now – whether or not to commit to flying as a career. Now, I’m not talking about becoming an airborne bus driver (although that would be pretty cool), no. I’ve got my sights set on maintaining the narcotic rush I get from flying aerobatics, and finally, after much thought I’ve decided that the only hope for my sanity is to get off my backside and commit to giving everything I have to trying to make it work – I want to be an elite level aerobatic pilot.

Soon you’ll start seeing a new series of writings being added to Flight of the Bumblie as I train and flight for the Flight of the Aerobatic Bumblie. I’m not 100% sure what form these postings will take, but they will begin to form a catalogue of interesting perspectives, tips, tricks, photographs, videos and experiences of what it feels like and what it takes to devote your life to something completely improbable.

It has been said that I have a hint of insanity about me, and indeed I must do, but it’s this insanity and the drive that comes from it that is what my life is really all about. I need challenge, I need flight, I need improbability. I live to fight the odds, to push myself and my limits, and I don’t mind taking a few risks in order to do so.

I’d rather give everything in a gamble and lose, than to look back on my life regretting never trying.



  1. Hey, it doesn't really matter where your blog ends up. Rambling from one topic to another is fine. Look at mine, due to lack of walking I've ended up wearing an Elvis wig :)

    It's a good choice about your flying if that's what you really want to do. I reckon you would be kicking yourself on your death bed reflecting on the things you should have applied more time to but didn't.

    Risk taking? You're not bipolar type 2 like me are you? Risk taking is one of the symptoms :)

  2. Risk taking = success:

  3. Mate, go for it! The hard part in any journey is deciding where you want to go to. What exactly can you hope to earn as a pilot, and would you purely be working and demonstrating at flight shows etc?

  4. It's easy to be enthusiastic when it is not your life that is at risk. I agree entirely that you tend to catch few breaks in life without risk but true success is usually taking calculated and mitigated risks - change career? Sure, but don't leave yourself without a way back unless you really don't want to stay in your old career. Can you gain experience and expertise from the comfort of a salaried position? Then do so. What overheads do you have - it's easy to forget them in the heady excitement of a decision to change your life. They won't forget you. But remember this - no one will give you anything, you have to go after it. So if you want to do something that you have always wanted to do, and you have the time, skills and money to do it, then go for it. Absolutely. No question. Just do it with your eyes open and mitigate your risk and be realistic. There's nothing like moving into a career you love and then having to ditch it once you taste it, because you cannot support yourself.

    Sorry if this seems a bot of a downer - it's meant to be supportive but cautionary simultaneously - I got asked the same question today and it seems topical. Best of luck and write what you love, not what you think others want - loyal readers just want to read what you write.

  5. Greg - bi-polar? Not impossible, although I'm unconvinced that my blog entries are as mental as yours (take that as a compliment!) ;-)

    Paul, I'll take a look at that link in a bit. And thanks for all the advice and help you've given me thus far. Let's see where this takes me eh?

    Gareth, I don't know the answers to those questions just yet mate, it's all part of the adventure.

    And Maz, thank you for your comment. Basically as it stands my current 'career' is one I'll be sticking with as long as I can get work (I work short term engineering contracts and as such time and flexibility are available at will). The risk is worth taking - I've been thinking about all of this for a long time now, and basically I can't procrastinate any longer, I need to go out and make things happen (or not if that's how it works out).
    And thank you so much for reading my random crap, really, it's fantastic to think that I even have such a thing as 'loyal readers' - that really made me smile mate, so thank you (and don't worry, I'll only ever write what I love on here!)

  6. Thanks Lauren! I don't actually set out to write my entries as if I'm some sort of failed comedian :) I'm interested in the absurd I guess, so that's how my blog ends up, without me even attempting to make it that way.

    I'd like to take more risks in relation to 'career', but having being doing the same thing for over 20 years I almost feel institutionalized! I've actually realised in this rambling comment I've got no 'great' advice to give you at all and I'm starting to crap on about myself, so it's time to go, but Maz has blogging summed up in his quote, "...Best of luck and write what you love, not what you think others want - loyal readers just want to read what you write..." Perfect.

    Sorry Maz for the theft of your quote :)

  7. Greg, I love your blog posts, the way they come out without you actually necessarily aiming them makes for entertaining reading. You have a hugely refreshing take on writing about the outdoors, even in your jaded and pain-addled state.

    You're likely to see a few frustration and painkiller inspired postings coming up soon as I've done something nasty to my ankle - off to the hospital to get it checked out this afternoon :-(
